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Frame 93 (1).png__PID:888bfe81-2299-4f18-a17d-61a526b63ce4

Lookbook Vol. 10



The insignificant flapping of a butterfly is the beginning of the weather changes on another side of the planet.

A word, a sigh, a gesture, enough to actuate a sequence of changes towards an unforeseeable ending.

Inspired by Butterfly Effect, JILLSTUART Eyewear THE SENSUALIST Collection embraced the elegant forms of the butterfly and the waves of flying, creating a delicate design that let your temperament and agility leak naturally.

Transform your instantaneous instinct and boundless aspiration into statement and actions, next, you and your world will be metamorphosis.

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JS70099 C02

Women optical style Grace introduces the graceful design with stylish straight temples and an easygoing pantos eye in lushly colored options, representing a symbol of transformation realized.

JS70099-C02-50 1.png__PID:617d61a5-26b6-4ce4-90ef-f3fa15948c60


JS70099 C02

Women optical style Grace introduces the graceful design with stylish straight temples and an easygoing pantos eye in lushly colored options, representing a symbol of transformation realized.

JS70099-C02-50 1-02.png__PID:28fb6a3e-9cb0-46d2-9c0f-3b984f32cc94


JS70100 C02

In honor of the famous monarch butterfly, crown-shaped optical style Jamila pairs the chrysalis temple with elegant and vibrant colors that gives a regal impression wherever it alights.

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JS70100 C02

In honor of the famous monarch butterfly, crown-shaped optical style Jamila pairs the chrysalis temple with elegant and vibrant colors that gives a regal impression wherever it alights.

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JS70100 C02

In honor of the famous monarch butterfly, crown-shaped optical style Jamila pairs the chrysalis temple with elegant and vibrant colors that gives a regal impression wherever it alights.

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JS70100 C02

In honor of the famous monarch butterfly, crown-shaped optical style Jamila pairs the chrysalis temple with elegant and vibrant colors that gives a regal impression wherever it alights.

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JS70102 C01

The wide and friendly squared eye of women optical glasses Lynne suggests a butterfly's wings open wide, soaking in the sun of a new day full of new possibilities together with her delicate temples.

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JS70102 C01

The wide and friendly squared eye of women optical glasses Lynne suggests a butterfly's wings open wide, soaking in the sun of a new day full of new possibilities together with her delicate temples.

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JS70101 C01

Soft and elegant, β-titanium Cynthia from the latest JILLSTUART Eyewear collection gives these metaphorical wings shape in a graceful temple accent reminiscent of a butterfly's wing in side view, paired with a panthos eye and richly contrasted in the beautiful colors.

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JS70103 C02

Not only does it feature unique and elegant temples inspired by chrysalis, β-titanium Charis's feminine pantos eyes and matching colored brows that twists away at the corners create an impression of introspective intelligence.

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JS70103 C02

Not only does it feature unique and elegant temples inspired by chrysalis, β-titanium Charis's feminine pantos eyes and matching colored brows that twists away at the corners create an impression of introspective intelligence.

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JS70103 C02

Not only does it feature unique and elegant temples inspired by chrysalis, β-titanium Charis's feminine pantos eyes and matching colored brows that twists away at the corners create an impression of introspective intelligence.

JS70099-C02-50 1-04.png__PID:39903bda-e141-4e13-b27e-c439aba96ba9


JS70103 C02

Not only does it feature unique and elegant temples inspired by chrysalis, β-titanium Charis's feminine pantos eyes and matching colored brows that twists away at the corners create an impression of introspective intelligence.

JS70099-C02-50 1-07.png__PID:a48a2919-6da7-4f0e-a8c8-bf89e924e35e


JS80025 C03

Hybrid women optical glasses Myia uses a translucent acetate front to give her face a luminous quality, highlighted by a metallic top strip and temple in β-titanium to frame her easy-wearing square eyes with a charming gleam.

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JS70099-C02-50 1-07.png__PID:a48a2919-6da7-4f0e-a8c8-bf89e924e35e


JS80025 C03

Hybrid women optical glasses Myia uses a translucent acetate front to give her face a luminous quality, highlighted by a metallic top strip and temple in β-titanium to frame her easy-wearing square eyes with a charming gleam.

JS70099 C01 (2) (7).png__PID:f5b994bb-e38a-4c21-bf62-f78f74a0a78dGroup 20.png__PID:94bbe38a-dc21-4f62-b78f-74a0a78d6535JS70099 C01 (1) (2).png__PID:dff5b994-bbe3-4adc-a1bf-62f78f74a0a7
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JS70105 C02

Half-rim women optical style Vanessa highlights a feminine squared eye with her colorful brow, her flirty upper rim curved like a butterfly's wing, effortlessly stylish and ready for adventure.

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JS70105 C02

Half-rim women optical style Vanessa highlights a feminine squared eye with her colorful brow, her flirty upper rim curved like a butterfly's wing, effortlessly stylish and ready for adventure.